Wednesday 7 April 2010

Always Pizza

Now I love my grub much like most men and today I thought I would cheer myself up after a disappointing day and, with a even more disappointing score line (you know what I’m talking about). It was a tossup between Thai or Pizza and I love them both a lot, Thai won as I wasn’t feeling naughty enough for pizza.

Now I flicked through the menu in my usual flippant manner, ticking about 15 things branding everything I didn’t tick as just one step up from something regurgitated, then I realise that I am just one person and not a small family or some sort of wobbly heffa. So I whittled it down to a couple of dishes but opted for something completely different as I was feeling foolishly adventuress (FOOLISHLY).

Now my point is that when your meal is the last thing to thing to look forward to out of an otherwise rubbish day and acting as some sort of comfort, stick to what you know and you wouldn’t left like me right now sitting the with some sort of tofu thing and some over thing with too much lemongrass and worst of all I hate tofu and have no idea why I tried to convince myself otherwise.

Always pizza, what was I thinking!!!

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